The story behind Suffering on Purpose.

I’ve been writing this book my entire life. It’s interesting because it’s always been there. I think it was written before I was born. But the process of living has reminded me what exactly I wanted to include … for this first installment.

There’s so much to be raising awareness about in the days of The Great Awakening. And I’m so joyful about being here now, with these words, to help begin shifting the tides, and the vibes in the direction of the world we want to see.

I know we can feel it more and more every day. And my hope is this content will help sharpen your inner knowing, and be like a tonic that helps strip away more of the barren thought patterns, and negative self-talk that will need to be cleared to make a place for the healthy fuitful linguistics that will be the foundation of our new earth. We’ve gotta fix the broken thinking behind the broken thinking before we can think better. Feel better. And then become better.

I wrote this book for those who have gone as far as they can get on their own. To be your partner on your personal journey of self-growth. I know a lot of our transformation takes place alone. But on my journey there were guides. Voices from the Aether that came to me at the perfect time. When I needed to hear them the most. And my hope more than anything is this book will be like those words for you. 

And whether they affrirm what you’ve always known. Or tear a hole in the fabric of your reality. Or maybe a little of both. I want this book to help you feel more connected, more understood, and much much MUCH … less alone. You are not alone, and we are all in this together! 

I’ve attached an image of the Table Of Contents .

All my best!