Read The Journey Begins. The first page of Suffering on Puprpose. Written by ConnectNeo.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Lao Tzu

If you’re reading this passage, it’s not by accident. This book found you either because it’s time for you to begin a new chapter, or because you’ve already begun and you’re seeking more wisdom to enlighten your path. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

I wrote this book to bring awareness to what has become the true epidemic of our time; it is the root cause of root causes. It is the reason behind the reasons that no one seems to want to talk about. It is why our primary point of attraction as a species is from the disposition of fear. It’s the reason for the nightmarish, dystopian curtain falling across our lands. It is the reason people have become chronically ill across all spectrums of life. The young and old alike are succumbing to chronic illness at rates never before seen.

I wrote this book to bring awareness to an insidious force that always seems to tip the scales of justice and fairness in the same direction. To shine light on the abject falseness of institutions like ‘Healthcare’, ‘Public Service’, ‘Rehabilitation’ and ‘Pharmacology’ as they exist in America today.

I wrote this book to sound the alarm that what seem like arbitrary or random acts of cruelty, unfairness and suffering are not random. And that these cruel twists of “fate” are not fated at all, but rather are scripted outcomes bent on affecting those who have had their minds poisoned by fear. Who have had their worldviews collapsed under the weight of unhealed scars, resulting from trauma and trauma-based mind control.

I wrote this book to be the first step in a thousand-mile journey back to your true self. My wish for you is that after reading this book you will be more healed, and more capable of walking tall in your “you-ness”. You will be more filled with power and the light of truth as you walk your personal journey. A journey that has no doubt begun, as evidenced by the fact you’re reading this book, right now.