Read the transcript from my video, The Simple Truth!

Beware False Prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Complicated ideas are generally the least true. The truth is simple, not confusing,

God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace.

So if you’re confused by what’s competing for your attention right now it’s probably not true. It’s here to distract, and to keep you disconnected from your true source of power, which is you.

The truth is simple and self evident, not something that requires you to do mental gymnastics, or as things seem to be going, physical gymnastics either.

And remember everything is inverted, so what they are trying to convince us is so complicated is actually simple.

And the great lengths to which they go to make things complicated are indicitive of how truly simple things are.

The truth is also congruous, so if on the one hand you’re being told to go within, but the same channel spends all day everyday dropping intel drop after intel drop, their paying the truth lip-service, while going on about the business of keeping your distracted.

Remember if it’s not putting you back into your body it’s a distraction.

So, If they tell you to go within, but keep you addicted to the without they are using the truth to sell you a lie.

This is a slight of hand I’ve been meaning to share on for a little while. The 95% true phenomenom. Which is used to sell lies to awakening beings who have become discerning and adept at detecting lies. The only ones left it seems who can tell the truth from falsehood.

One of the lessons I learned in sales training was that sales people are the easiest people to sell to. Because a sales person knows the language that is used to create value. So if you know that a salesperson speaks the langugae of value, then all you must do to sell a salesperson something is speak the language of value. Then whether you tell the truth or not the sales person will beleive because you’re speaking their language.

The same is true for awkening humans. We learn to speak a different language when we are healed, or healing. Words like: I am sorry. Please forvgive me. I love you and I thank you. So if you want to sell a lie to someone who is awakening, use their language.

“I’m sorry, please forvgive me, I love you, now go get ready for 10 days of darkness instead of doing your personal growth work.”

Which is to say one of the best ways to tell a good lie is to make it mostly true.

This is how things have been going here for a while on planet earth.

There are a lot of people telling a lot of truth, but with just enough falsehood to have you repeating your reality for eternity.

The few degrees of departure from the truth when compared to the straight line of truth create a curved axis with truthful intersecting points, but ultimately the deviation will have you moving in circles.

Which is why I make fun of personal growth gurus who want you to heal so you can become rich. Being rich assumes that money exists. We all know money is a lie, and a form of enslavement. We should not have to pay to live on our own planet. We are the only species who does so. Let that sink in. So if their teaching you to heal so you can be rich, they’re perpetuating the faslse money timeline, under the auspice of self healing.

The proverbial wolf in sheeps clothing. You have just abdicated the self evident truth that paying to live on your own planet is rubish … without even being aware youve done so. You’re now off chasing the 95% true belief that once you’ve overcome your trauma (true) done you’re growth work (true) and learned to heal others (true) you can now be rich! (false) and in this way, you will spend eternity persuing what is 95% true, or the 5% which is not.

So if you believe everything someone who is telling you 95% of the truth says, the 5% of false you believe to be true, will be you’re undoing ultimately.

So the solution is believe in yourself, not someone else. Look within not without for the answers you seek.

And if you notice someone, or something paying lip service to the truth of going within, but their actions are contraindicative or incongruous, i.e. look within, but now here look at this shiny object or this alien invasion or this black swann event or this mass power outage, they’re keeping you separted from your power, which is within.

And whether it’s intentional or not, it is slowing, or maybe even sabotaging earth’s ascension.

They’re trying to stop whats happening from happening. And since they lack the ability to create, they need us to create a scenario by which it doesn’t happen. And they do this by tricking us to pay attention to what’s out there! Not what’s going on within. I.e. conversations with God, the angels, the Christ.

Getting us to sabotage ourselves is their last hope.

This is why trauma reversal and the trauma reversal narrative is bypassed or blocked. Because once you clear your trauma, you can then go within. Until your trauma is cleared, within is a very un safe place for you to be.

Going within for the unhealed is the realm of hungry ghosts and so it is avoided. Distractions are a far better distraction than admitting we are powerless and that our lives have become unmanageable. It is only after we surrender to this unamageability that we will be gifted with the gift of desparation.

When we realize nothing out there has the power to fill the god sized hole within, only then will be willing to make the changes necessary to allow ourselves to go within.

And once your trauma is cleard you become the authority and are the one validating the truth, and if you are confused by a prcept you are invalidating the false truth. Because you know what is confusing, or incongruous is not true.

The truth is simple and self evident. And when your trauma is cleared, you can say and know “this is confusing, and therefore not true” because if it were simple, i would most certainly innerstand.

rather than, “this is confusing, i’m stupid and I don’t get it, so it must be true, and I don’t derserve to understand the truth” which is how things have been going here on planet earth for a while now.

This is how we are kept not believing in ourselves. By not claiming our authority which is only possible after the psychic scar tissue left by trauma is cleared. And this is why the darkness is doing everything it can to prevent the trauma reversal narrative from being shared.

Because when you heal you are not looking to have what you know to be true validated in the narrative, the narrative is validated by your ability to know the truth.

Ask yourself if aspects of your life that feel unmanageable. Like keeping up with the truth movement has become unmanageable. Because I spend so much time preparing for the future that my present day life is falling apart.

Think. What’s the truth. Time is not real. The future is now. If I’m worried about what’s out there, I’m distracted from the power within. If I’m worried about the future i’m distracted from the now. And where does my power reside? Where is God? Where are our super human abilities? They are now, and they are within.

So watch out for those wolves in sheeps clothing. And remember the truth is simple. And the simple truth right now is to go within.

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