Reposition Reality. Complete Your Mission.


Where am I placing my faith when I have faith? Am I placing it in a God of my understanding? The Universe? Myself? Angels?

True faith is certainty. It is trust. It is knowing that what is not seen must become seen  because it is part of a Divine shared plan between you and God. Jesus said “Go, your faith has healed you” at once he was able to see and he began to follow Jesus on the way. Mark 10:52 So who healed who? Healers know that we do not heal, we guide those who are in the process of healing to heal themselves. And what was powerful enough to return site to a blind man? Blind Faith.

The Law of Correspondence: this law states patterns repeat in the universe and on a personal level, our outter reality is a mirror of what’s happening inside us in the now moment. As above, so below. As within, so without.

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