The story behind Suffering on Purpose.

I’ve been writing this book my entire life. It’s interesting because it’s always been there. I think it was written before I was born. But the process of living has reminded me what exactly I wanted to include … for this first installment. There’s so much to be raising awareness about in the days of […]

Read The Journey Begins. The first page of Suffering on Puprpose. Written by ConnectNeo.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Lao Tzu If you’re reading this passage, it’s not by accident. This book found you either because it’s time for you to begin a new chapter, or because you’ve already begun and you’re seeking more wisdom to enlighten your path. You’re exactly where you’re supposed […]

The Truth Is Simple🎧Not Complicated!

  583 views Premiered Dec 28, 2023 Complicated ideas are generally the least true. The truth is simple, not confusing. God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace. So if you’re confused by what’s competing for your attention right now it’s probably not true. It’s here to distract, and to keep […]

It’s Not Your Fight! Don’t fall for it.

Premiered Oct 20, 2023 We are entering a period where the temporal or the events that are current or now related are merging with the eternal, or universal truths. The outer world of chaos, fear uncertainty and doubt is converging with our inner worlds. And this is why there has been such a strong push […]

Act As You Think. The missing link.

Our smallest most seemingly insignificant thoughts, words and actions have the most profound effect on our true power as humans … for when we are in alignment we are in our power but when we contradict ourselves, we are hypocrites, and our power is extorted from us at the hand of our own false witness. […]

We are transmuting a collective spell of impatience.

  2,144 views Premiered Nov 29, 2023 Impatience is only a feeling we can let feelings go. Being in the now is being in the know. Now is where all your power is it is where knowing is. This “period in time” is teaching us to get closer to our power, by overcoming a collective […]

Reposition Reality. Complete Your Mission.

  Where am I placing my faith when I have faith? Am I placing it in a God of my understanding? The Universe? Myself? Angels? True faith is certainty. It is trust. It is knowing that what is not seen must become seen  because it is part of a Divine shared plan between you and […]

Read the transcript from my video, The Simple Truth!

Beware False Prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Complicated ideas are generally the least true. The truth is simple, not confusing, God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace. So if you’re confused by what’s competing for your attention right now it’s probably […]

How Important Is Audio To Your Video?

The short answer is the audio is more important to your video than the video is to your video. We can struggle through bad video quality if the sound is ok. Bad sound quality on the other hand is unbearable. And people will abandon whatever content you’re sharing if you have bad audio. So that […]