For those about to rock … you really should just get started.

About to rock? There are some great quotes on the subject. I personally like “Start where you stand and better tools will be provided as you go along” from Napoleon Hill. I think it has to do with the technical nature of what we do here and the word “tools” in the quote. Seems particularly […]

How to create an animated thumbnail in CANVA

An animated thumbnail comes in handy for all kinds of design applications. Whether you’re trying to add some impact to social thumbnails, or create an intro for your next YouTube video, this cool feature in CANVA will set your creative free. Check it out!

How to remove a background in CANVA

Removing backgrounds in CANVA opens your creative exponentially to new outcomes. Create composite images, obscure heinous backgrounds, create better environments for text, the list goes on and on! Check it out!

Should Brands Evolve Organically?

Brands evolve organically over time. And the truth is there’s only so much you can prepare for as you’re creating your brand. We have mandatories we can take care of  in advance like logo, color palette, font selections and so on, but the vast majority of your brand offering will evolve over the lifespan of […]

What is good design?

Good design solves a problem. As a brand strategist that problem could be figuring out the best way to turn long chunks of words that might not get read, into something that feels more manageable to a reader. It could be fixing an image with a terrible background, or introducing a new brand color. It […]

Does design need to be over-the-top?

I’m going to start by saying I’m a design hack. A recovering business development guy, who always wanted to be a creative. I broke into Creative as a Bus. Dev. or salesguy. A source of almost constant agitation to our creative team, because of my “contributions” to client creative. As the salesguy, it was my […]

How to create a logo on-the-fly in CANVA!

When you create a logo fast, in CANVA  you solve so many problems in one swift blow. How many companies have sat on the side-lines long past their expiration date waiting for their logo to be designed? This is a chronic strategic mistake I’m determined to help the world overcome. On some levels, “looking the […]

Your background validates your scene

How many times have you been scrolling through Instagram and seen some budding young fashion model exhibiting her latest high-style offering, only to be grossed out by the dirty dishes left in the sink, hanging out in the background. The indomitable Zoom teleconferencing service has caught on to this common short-coming by offering a feature […]

How to set up a custom aspect ratios in CANVA

Setting up custom aspect ratios in CANVA is so important because every design element you’ll need for your digital campaign is sized differently. Whether you’re creating a thumbnail for for your next twitter campaign, or YouTube video the aspect ratio will be different. This simple trick can be the difference between looking professional and clean, […]